Tuesday, February 23, 2016

2-23-15: Some Photographs

There were several fun events that took place before February Vacation that we wanted to share with you all.  

Here are photographs of several Team Mansfield students at the MES Grade 5 Ice Skating Field Trip:

Here are some photographs from the Tower Challenge activity.  This was the "Hurricane Test" and the tower/group that sustained the highest level of wind:

Here are some photographs from Mr. Schmid's Design A Pencil Holder woodworking group:

Friday, February 19, 2016

2-19-16: V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!

Happy Vacation!  We hope everyone enjoys the time off and returns on March 1, relaxed and ready to go!

The following items were left behind as the kids left today!  Please send us an e-mail if you recognize any of the items!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

2-10-16: Tower Activity

We have been spending a lot of time working on teamwork, perseverance and problem solving.  Today we put those skills to use during the Fifth Annual Mr. Schmid Tower Challenge.  Students were given a limited amount of resources and time and tasked with building the tallest free standing tower possible.  Here are some images from the activity.

02-10-2016: News and Information

Greetings Mansfield Families!

Just a quick couple of housekeeping items!

Keep those Ice Skating Permission Slips coming!  Be aware that these are TWO sided documents.  A few are coming back home tonight to be completed.  EVERY student who completes work and follows schoolwide expectations will be eligible to attend.  Let us know if you would like information on how to help cover the cost of the trip.

We neglected to mention that we intended to NOT have a Valentine's Day party.  However, MANY students informed me that they already purchased cards.  If you have purchased cards and intend to give them to ALL students on the team, please send them in on Friday.  If you do NOT have cards, please do not feel you must go out and purchase them.

Part of our rationale for not having a party was that we are going to be celebrating the end of the eight week stretch NEXT week on Friday.  We will be centering this around our recent Create A Country project.  We will send home details TOMORROW.

Lastly, we are missing a pair of girls boots, size 9, like the ones pictured below.  These are relatively common boots and many students in the school have them.  If your child suddenly has TWO pairs of these boots, please check the size and send in the extra pair!

Many thanks!