Friday, June 10, 2016

2nd Annual Team Masfield Poetry Slam

Over the past two weeks, students have been working on their public speaking skills by memorizing and reciting poems.  We wrapped up the week with a poetry slam.  Click here to go to the Mansfield Poetry Slam page to view all of the presentations.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Heritage Project and Mansfield Green Up Day (Part 1)

Today, our students had to opportunity to share their Heritage Projects with several younger students.  They had the chance to read their their essays and share stories related about the photographs they included.   The Superintendent, Ann Bradshaw, even stopped in to check out the projects! Here are some photographs from their presentations:

Tyler sharing his Heritage Project with Superintendent Bradshaw

After our presentations, we took some time to help tidy up our school grounds.  This was the first day of three that we will be cleaning up several areas around our school.  Our focus today was on the back entrance to MES/MMS.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Officer Philbrook's Torch Run

Today we cheered on Officer Philbrook as he ran by Milton Elementary School with the Special Olympics torch!

Here's a photograph from today's event:

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Team Mansfield Yearbook Page

Follow the directions below to

1. Click the link to open the document:

2. Click FILE

3. Click MAKE A COPY

4. Title the document (YOUR NAME) - Yearbook

5. Share the document with Mr. Schmid (, Mr. Mock (, Ms. Kozloski (, Miss Stone (, and Mr. Eckstein (

6. Begin typing in your document