Monday, November 30, 2015

11-30: December News

Your student may have shared with you that we have switched homerooms for the next three weeks.  While it is taking a little bit to get used to it, the Schmid students now have their Morning Meeting with Mr. Mock and the Mock students have their Morning Meeting with Mr. Schmid.  This should go a long way towards establishing that we are all one big team and for everyone to get to learn some new things about their teachers.  This does not change our Unified Arts schedule.


There is a Missing Assignment Report coming home today.  This is a three week report, covering everything for the month of November.  Please go over the report with your child, sign it, and send it back in.


We have our extra Unified Arts this month!  Here is the schedule!!

December 1:    Schmid Kids: PE        Mock Kids: Music
December 2:    Schmid Kids: PE        Mock Kids: Guidance
December 21:  Schmid Kids: Music   Mock Kids: Art
December 22:  Schmid Kids: Art        Mock Kids: PE

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